Thursday, August 03, 2006

Why I use to love digg.

Emerging as the underdog of all social bookmarking websites. Digg's growth had been tremendous, millions of users flock to the site in search of there news fixation. Now that the site has grown, received funding and become a heavy hitter in the web 2.0 field. There are many problems that exist.

  • The same stories are displayed on the front page for long periods of time.
  • Upcoming stories are nothing but duplicates.
  • Digg has become a popularity contest where friends of friends digg each other stories thus pushing it to the front page.
  • Speculations of top user create over 50% of the news on the front page.
Now with that being said Digg is still amazing. Still one of my favorites sites to visit and will remain. Scalability is one of the many problems that plague startups but I'm sure Kevin Rose and the crew over at digg will work out the kinks. Til then keep on diggin.


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